Frederick W. Humphries II

“How wonderful that you’ve chronicled the history of MacDill AFB and Tampa’s unique culture as the crossroads of counterterrorism through arguably the most challenging times in recent history during our global war against violent extremism. Thank you for providing support and respite for senior leaders to take a . . . brief but needed break from the toil of unrelenting demands of leadership and command. You and Deborah most kindly and proficiently served those who served. God bless you and Deborah.”

Frederick W. Humphries II
FBI Supervisory Special Agent (Ret.) for Counterterrorism in Tampa

Major Genereal Vincent K. Becklund (Ret.)

“Mark Rosenthal is a true patriot! His love for and dedication to the United States and the men and women of the armed forces who serve this great nation is unmatched. His life is truly well lived.”

Major Genereal Vincent K. Becklund (Ret.)
Two Star, Special Operations Command

Major General Dean Milner (Ret.)

“This book is an outstanding, descriptive, behind-the-scenes look at the tremendous passion Mark and Deborah Rosenthal show for their US troops and coalition partners. Their hospitality and wonderful work welcoming and supporting troops to the Tampa area is so very much appreciated, and their tireless efforts will always be remembered.”

Major General Dean Milner (Ret.)
CMM, MSC, CD Canadian Armed Forces

Brigadier General Mark Smethurst (Ret.)

“Mark Rosenthal and his wife, Deborah’s, contribution to the Tampa Bay military community is nothing short of exceptional. Mark not only promoted the US military but also opened doors to the coalition and brought them into his home and the broader communities of Tampa Bay. His drive and energy to make a difference was demonstrated by his and his friends efforts in the STAR Program in assisting military to transition successfully after service. A true friend of Australia, we still remain in close contact twelve years after my posting into CENTCOM and USSOCOM. [Mark is] an international patriot and all around good guy who created a ‘safe zone’ for the military outside of MacDill AFB.”

Brigadier General Mark Smethurst (Ret.)
Special Forces Australia

Major General Mickey Edelstein (Ret.)

“I have known Mark Rosenthal for many years and saw his commitment to the people who decided to serve, defend their nation, and put their lives in danger—some sadly even giving their lives. “Mark’s professional attitude and his enormous willingness drove him to understand what these men and women are experiencing, and by doing so he was able to assist them. Mark is a unique person, a citizen who asks what he can do for his nation.”

Major General Mickey Edelstein (Ret.)
Three Star, IDF Military Attaché in the United States

Vice Admiral Sean Pybus (Ret.)

“Mark has been, and remains, an incredible supporter of the US and allied military community in the greater Tampa Bay area. As an active-duty flag officer, and now retired in Tampa Bay, I’ve personally seen and participated with Mark in an extraordinary number of military-supporting events in which Mark was the driving force. His book is an exemplary look into the personal experience and fulfillment of one civilian making an real difference for our nation’s fighting forces.”

Vice Admiral Sean Pybus (Ret.)
Three Star, Deputy Commander of US Special Operations (2014–2016)

General John Allen (Ret.)

“I have known Mark and Deborah Rosenthal for years. They are truly national treasures and are passionate about—and are truly committed to—making our military members and coalition partners stationed in the Tampa area feel welcomed and appreciated. This wonderful book offers a fascinating look behind the scenes of all they’ve done and continue to do for our troops. Just as Bob Hope was famous to all of us because he recognized the importance of boosting morale through entertainment, the Rosenthals have become famous for all of us for how they’ve found their own unique ways to show their support.”

General John Allen (Ret.)
Four Star, Former Commander of United States Central Command (2010), Former Commander of the NATO International Security Assistance Force and US Forces – Afghanistan (USFOR-A), and Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant)

General Richard D. Clarke, US Army (Ret.)

“Mark Rosenthal and his wife, Deborah, have been pillars of support for the Tampa Bay military community for decades. Capturing and describing their many experiences in this great book provides a historical reference for future generations. Their generous spirit and selfless efforts have greatly benefited service members.”

General Richard D. Clarke, US Army (Ret.)
Four Star, Commander of US Special Operations (2019–2022)

General Tony Thomas ( Ret.)

“The Rosenthals have put their own spin on using entertainment to boost morale and show support for our military. For many years they’ve channeled their patriotism into making our military members and coalition partners stationed in the Tampa area feel welcomed and appreciated. They have also played a very influential role in assisting in the critical transition of service members to the private sector. Using their perspectives as civilians entering a military world, this book offers a glimpse behind the scenes of these intriguing events that the general public rarely hears about.”

General Tony Thomas ( Ret.)
Four Star, Head of SOCOM (2016–2019)

General Joseph L. Votel ( Ret.)

“One of the main benefits of serving in our military is that we often get to know people in communities where we did not grow up. That was the case during our multiple tours in Tampa, where I got to know Mark Rosenthal and his wonderful wife, Deborah. They were the quintessential hosts for military leaders and their families, and their hospitality went beyond just opening their home. Mark’s brainchild, the STAR Program, is a shining example of how communities support those who answer the nation’s call by helping with their dreams. This book is a good read and more than a tribute to those who serve in uniform; it recognizes those on the home front who provide the intangible support that makes our military the greatest in the world.”

General Joseph L. Votel ( Ret.)
Four Star, Former Commander of US Special Operations Command (2014–2016) and US Central Command (2016–2019)